In about a month you will see a new section on there featuring my new model group, and this is going to be very special, I promise you. An over the next year I will be adding how to sections. Most will be for free, some you will have to pay for. But for those of you that can not afford to attend a big well known art school, I will be teaching you all you need to know at a 100th of the cost. Anyone will be able to afford it and learn all the secrets that most of the pros don't want you to know. This is something I promised myself a long time ago I would do if I could ever learn these things, and learn them I have. Each day I improve on my skills, and I am going to share everything with whoever wants to learn. For the cost of a months rent and working hard for a few years, you will be able to fulfill your dreams. I will take away the disadvantages that Life has given you, and give you a fair and fighting chance.
The model troop I Keep mentioning is really starting to get exciting. I will be announcing the name this coming week. The first two ladies have signed and on their own have awesome careers. Both host TV shows, horror shows I might add and if the 3rd one I am wanting signs on, this will truly be so awesome, everyone will know their names within a year. This could be an awesome side project for the 4 of us. i can't wait to start breaking the news to everyone.
I would like to ask a favor from all of my friends. Normally I don't get involved in these things, but I was nominated for a artist award from Predators and Editors. The truth of the matter is, I have never really been in these things before except once. It would really mean a lot to me if you would take a minute and go here and look for my name and vote for me. I'm not sure if you win anything, but it would be nice just to have an honor like that.
And speaking of contest, I have mine going on my International Fansite. The winner of this one wins a oil painting by me that i did about 4 years ago. There will be 6 contest a year. 2 are for writers, 2 for artist, and the other 2 are drawings. Pro's cannot enter the writer and artist part, and the winners will be featured on my website as well, as well as a write up and all. So look to the right for the International fanclub link, and join up. You have till Feb 1 turn in your entry. You can see the prize painting on the fan page.
Getting back to the website I put a guestbook on there. If you get a chance to go by and see all the new art, please sign the guestbook. I would appreciate it. I've been meaning to tell you about my buddy Gary Babb. I have a link to his site on the right side. He signed a deal with a big time agent, and his new book "Genesis Log" is being handled by her. An you'll never guess who the start of the book is. Yep, your right, Captain Nick Rose! There's just one problem, in the book I am a brain with 2 eyeballs attached floating in a container of some kind of liquid, but he promises me that I save the galaxy! Seriously, I am going to buy me a fake, but real looking brain and attach two eyeballs to it and put it in a container in my studio. Is that not awesome!!!
The next few weeks, tons will be going on including doing 13 pencil illustrations for someone who is quickly becoming a good friend, Dennis Young for his upcoming book "The Ardwellian Chronicles" plus all the other goodies going on. I'm going to get Dennis to do a guess blog for us so he can tell you about his series of books. Really good stuff if your a fantasy fan, or not. It's just good reading folks.
Well, I hope you all have an awesome weekend and don't forget to Vote for me! Peace and Blessings.
I would love to see this in color and redone.
We could do that honey. I doubt I have the original photo I used for the model, Mithra, but I am sure that we could come up with something.
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