Monday, June 15, 2009

We are Blessed.

I am sitting here feeling very loved and very blessed, and I think it is safe to say Cheryl feels the same way. Moving to Michigan changed my life in so many ways that it still blows my mind. My art has improved in leaps and bounds, I finally feel like I have found my voice as an artist, and now it will only grow. My love for Cheryl grows everyday. I never truly thought I could ever feel this way about anyone. She has brought out all the good things in me again, including the dark side I love to draw from. Life is giving me the things that I truly need to be very successful in my field. The Imac (you all really need to get one of these) the expensive programs that make me look good, including ones for font and logo designs. I know this sounds corny, but when I think about all the wonderful things that have happened for me in just a few short months, I can't help but to cry and give thanks to the lord for all the wonderful things in my life.
Today has been tough though. I have been feeling bad from quitting smoking, but Cheryl had to get a tooth pulled, and her body has not reacted well to the medicines they gave her. I haven't been able to keep food in her, but i am working on it. She will be fine. Andrea and I have been taken good care of her. She is well loved. If you want to know what kind of wonderful woman she is, she has a blog, and she is very honest about things and I think you will find it interesting. The link is to the right. For me please, stop by and say hey to her. We're just normal folks like those of you. Things like that mean a lot to us.
Business has changed so much in recent years, and I've been having a blast doing the Ichat thing. It's straight out of a science fiction movie. I've been seriously been thinking about setting up 2 nights a month to talk via Ichat to young artist, or just curious people in a group setup. I would love to know if this would interest you. We could talk about art and all kind of cool things.
Over the next 2 months you are going to be seeing a lot of cool things from our end. Including updates on twitter and Iphones. A whole lot of things with Viper Productions, including things in their new magazine. The first issue includes an interview with one of my favorite actors Bill Mosenly from The Devil Rejects., (Otis) and so many more movies. It want be long i will have a lot more info about the company, news, interviews, ect. they're already working on a sequel for Mental Scars 2. I'm telling you, this movie is the bomb. it will be a horror classic, and for me to get in on the ground floor and working on all aspects, including writing most of the graphic Novel, and If i do good on that, who knows. I know my writing skills are lacking in the grammar department, but I can tell a darn good story, and I do have a lot of editor and writer friends that I know will see me through.
I have been getting so many letters from my friends wishing me well that it has just been overwhelming and has warmed my heart in big ways. One of the things they have been saying is "It is so wonderful to see a hardworking man finally see his dreams come true. You have inspired me and I will work harder because you are proof that it can be done with hard work and Patience." To me, that is one of the greatest things someone could ever say to me. It has always been my goal to help others and motivate them to keep at it.
An there is so much more good news happening right now, but I will save that for later, I think all of this is just overwhelming as it is. As always, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read about what is going on in our world. Next time, I will have the very first art for Mental Scars to show you. Peace and blessings my friends. Your all the bomb!


Geo said...


ooops sorry for the caps. its late, hope ya dont mind that i leave em.

Nick Rose said...

hey Bro, Not a problem. I'm getting ready to head to your blog right now to see if You got anything new. The smoking thing is going very well, and Cheryl is getting by. She's a tough one.